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Weihai Jiang Yuan Polymer Technology Co., Ltd.
New polymer materials
Release time:2017-05-06News source:admin

Polymer materials including plastics, rubber, fiber, film, adhesives and coatings, etc.. Among them, known as the modern polymer three synthetic materials of plastics, synthetic fiber and synthetic rubber has become the national economic construction and people's daily life is an important material. Although the polymer materials and get rapid development because generally has many advantages of metal and inorganic materials can not be replaced, but the polymer material has a large-scale production or use only in unusual conditions, namely the so-called universal polymer, which has the disadvantages of poor rigidity, mechanical strength and heat resistance etc.. The development of modern engineering technology, it has put forward higher requirement to the polymer material, thus promoting the polymer materials to high performance, functional and biological development, there are many low yield, high price and excellent performance of new polymer materials.

上一篇:Brief introduction of polymer materials


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